Hello World, In this article, we will understand the Automation framework and components related to it. This term 'Framework', what are the thoughts/Questions comes into your mind, What does this Framework means ? Why we need it ? What is the architecture of Framework ? Why we/anyone build the framework ? How can we build framework ? Does it really helps ? Should we use Frameworks ? And might be many more other questions... So let me answer these question written above, one by one... # What is Framework ? Well, When we say "Framework", then it means that some structure with predefined modules and library that allow us to do things in better way or in a lot easier way without creating a wheel from scratch. because framework already have the core and essential things inside them, we just have to focus on our main problem solving, that's it. Like: Angular, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, Etc. These all are frameworks. # Why Framework ? Because fr...