
Showing posts from September, 2017


Hello World, In this article, we will understand the Automation framework and components related to it. This term 'Framework', what are the thoughts/Questions comes into your mind, What does this Framework means ? Why we need it ? What is the architecture of Framework ? Why we/anyone build the framework ? How can we build framework ?  Does it really helps ? Should we use Frameworks ? And might be many more other questions... So let me answer these question written above, one by one... # What is Framework ? Well, When we say "Framework", then it means that some structure with predefined modules and library that allow us to do things in better way or in a lot easier way without creating a wheel from scratch. because framework already have the core and essential things inside them, we just have to focus on our main problem solving, that's it. Like: Angular, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, Etc. These all are frameworks. # Why Framework ? Because fr...

Feature file(s) Execution in Cucumber

Hello World, On this post, we will understand the Execution of the cucumber's feature file(s). Normally we just create the feature file according to the application's feature/main_functional_category and most of the time(basically depending on our automation framework) its just independent from other features. But, what if...if we want to execute our cucumber framework with a proper defined sequence of feature files ? Now this situation arise when we are having following case: the features(or the steps inside features) are inter-related. Or, we just want to execute them as we want to. So, basically cucumber has its own default way to pickup the feature file for execution, which is of-course Alphabetical order (it also applied to sub-folder names) . But we can also override this default method of feature file selection for execution. So below are the methods/ways to override the default way of cucumber feature files... #1: Specify in @ CucumberOptions (or...