
Showing posts from 2018

Jenkins Job Build for Maven and Cucumber

Hello World, Moto:  In Jenkins, we all might be having a question which is,  "How to customize the Jenkins job build with the parameters" In this blog, we will see the build strategy configuration for the Jenkins job for Maven and cucumber automation project. Platform: Jenkins 2.121.3 Plugin(s):   Active Choices Parameter , Active Choices Reactive Parameter Solution: Step 1: Create 3 variables (1- Active Choices Parameter, 2- Active Choices Reactive Parameter) Step 2: Let's say those variables are the 'BuildStrategy'(Active Choice Parameter), 'Options' (Active Choice Reactive Parameter) , and 'Execute' (Active Choice Reactive Parameter) Step 3: Inject the groovy script for all variables accordingly, as shown below For 'BuildStrategy' inject this return ["Build Complete Suite:selected", "Build only selected features", "Build with custom provided tags"] For 'Options' inject...

BDD Screenplay Pattern

Hello World, Motto: By this post, I will talk all about screenplay-pattern for automation testing. So Here, there are two terms, which are BDD and screenplay-pattern . so let's understand these first. 1 : BDD ( Behavior Driven Development )    Behavior Driven Development is a software engineering process that stems from Test Driven Development(TDD) and Acceptance testing. If you want to dig in more into it then follow this site. 2 : screenplay-pattern     a code pattern on the top of serenity and an alternative model to PageObjects and it follows the SOLID property. Now, here let's understand "SOLID". It stands for Single Responsibility Principle Open Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Substitution Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Sample/Dummy Project: References: