Jenkins CRON Job Scheduling
Hello World, In this article, you will learn the Jenkins CRON Job scheduling. Jenkins provides the scheduling to trigger your job automatically at/on the configured time schedule. Description of Values (5 stars) Jenkins scheduling supports 5 values, let's know about those (Most left) * * * * * (Most Right) or (in another way these stars can also be represented as) MINUTE HOURS DATES MONTHS DAYS I am starting from the most left. 1st *: This is for the Minutes. and it has the range of (0-59). It also supports the division and the outcome will be treated as modulo division. For Example, if you have written H/3 at the 1st * place then every minute value, which is completely divisible by 3 your job will be triggered. 2nd *: This is the hours, and it has the range of (0-23). It also supports the division. 3rd *: This is the Dates(Month days), and it has the range of (1-31). 4th *: This is the Month, and it has the range of (1-12). 5th *: This is ...