
Showing posts from November, 2017

Jenkins CRON Job Scheduling

Hello World,  In this article, you will learn the Jenkins CRON Job scheduling. Jenkins provides the scheduling to trigger your job automatically at/on the configured time schedule. Description of Values (5 stars) Jenkins scheduling supports 5 values, let's know about those (Most left) * * * * * (Most Right) or (in another way these stars can also be represented as) MINUTE HOURS DATES MONTHS DAYS I am starting from the most left. 1st *: This is for the Minutes. and it has the range of (0-59). It also supports the division and the outcome will be treated as modulo division.  For Example, if you have written H/3 at the 1st * place then every minute value, which is completely divisible by 3 your job will be triggered. 2nd *: This is the hours, and it has the range of (0-23). It also supports the division. 3rd *: This is the Dates(Month days), and it has the range of (1-31). 4th *: This is the Month, and it has the range of (1-12). 5th *: This is ...

How to Add Unpacked Chrome Extension

Hello World, Here we will learn about adding an unpacked chrome extension. So let's know first, what is "Unpacked Chrome Extension" and "Packed Chrome Extension"? 1-Unpacked Chrome Extension: A source/codebase with the directory structure for chrome extension, is known as an Unpacked Chrome extension. 2-Packed Chrome Extension: A file having extension "crx" with it is known as a packed chrome extension. For Example:  MyChromeExtension.crx is a packed chrome extension, whereas all the codebase with directory structure is an unpacked chrome extension. Okay,  So why we do packing of extension ?. Well, its very simple, for easiness to its users. Just like as we do create "jar" file (container for the bunch of classes) which could be easily used. packing converts all codebase(which may include several files) into a single unit, and it makes it handy. So let's start with #HOW_TO_ADD_UNPACKED_CHROME_EXTENSION... You have to...