Django [Getting started with Django]

1- Django (What is it ???)

Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. A web framework is a set of components that helps you to develop websites faster and easier.

Django Official websites

2- Requirement Tools and Installation of Django

Since django is a python framework, so you suppose to have python installed in your machine. if  you dont have python then go pythons official site and download it.

To check into your system for python installation use the following command:

> python --version

Installing Django by command prompt :> pip install django=1.6.5

3- Setting Up Django

making a new project under django serer 

:> startproject <your_project_name>

Syncing/creating with Database and setting up a user and password for admin login control  

:> syncdb

Starting up the Django Server :> runserver

now when you start the server it will give the server address, copy and go to this address.
Now, every thing goes fine then you will see the following page at address 127.0.0.:8000/.....

Django admin login page at address :

if login successfull then you will see the admin page as follows:

this was very basic Django installation and server setup.


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