A crawler for serenity reports
Hello World,
And we will see the summary extraction for only serenity-v2 HTML.
In the crawler, I have divided all crawler into 4 sections/parts:
- Index file collection
- Project Meta extraction
- Report Summary extraction/Scrapping
- Formatting the scenario outcomes
So, let's discuss each section of the crawler, what exactly they are accomplishing.
here is the crawler Code:
# Import section
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re, os, sys, collections, datetime, argparse
import csv, random, string
# Global Variables/Envs
#This limit prevents infinite recursion
#from causing an overflow of the C stack and crashing Python.
# total tests
total_tests = []
# root directory to lookup for Crawling (as command line argument)
root_dir = ""
# Set the debug mode
debugger = True
# Identifier Keys
KEY_AUTO_PASS_COL = 'Automated_Pass'
KEY_AUTO_FAIL_COL = 'Automated_Fail'
KEY_AUTO_DYN_COL = 'Automated_'
KEY_MAN_PASS_COL = 'Manual_Pass'
KEY_MAN_FAIL_COL = 'Manual_Fail'
KEY_MAN_DYN_COL = 'Manual_'
KEY_FILE_NAME_TO_CRAWL = 'index.html'
KEY_PROJECT_NAME = 'Project_Name'
KEY_TEST_DATE = 'Test_Date'
KEY_UNIQUE_COL_NAME = 'Unique_Col_Name'
# internal debugger
def log(msg):
if debugger:
print("[DEBUG] :: {}".format(msg))
# collectFiles() menthod
def collectIndexFiles():
Loops across the root directory to fetch the index.html locations
:return: A list containing location of all the files
# Debug
log("Searching for index files ... ")
# Index files list
index_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir, topdown=True):
for file_name in files:
# For the Serenity report index file
# If the index file has been find but not under any library like datatables, jqueryui, etc, then collect it.
if KEY_FILE_NAME_TO_CRAWL in file_name and 'datatables' not in root and 'jqueryui' not in root and 'JMeter' not in root:
index_files.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
# Debug
log(" Collected list of index files ... ")
return index_files
# getProjectMeta() method
def getProjectMeta():
Uses the index.html file location to fetch details like project name and job number
:param delete_mode: for the deletion of the reports (only last 20 report to be kept)
:return: a list of dicts containing info about each index file.
# Project meta list
project_meta = []
all_files = collectIndexFiles()
log("Iterating through index files ...")
for file in all_files:
log(" Crawling started for : {} ".format( str(file) ))
file = file.replace("\\", '/')
# Create a dictionary for the project meta(Name, jenkins build, report location)
test_data_dict = {}
# Split the projectName, BuildName, Location of the report
test_data_dict[KEY_PROJECT_NAME] = str(file).split('/')[-3]
test_data_dict[KEY_JENKINS_JOB_NUMBER] = str(file).split('/')[-2]
test_data_dict[KEY_REPORT_LOCATION] = file
# Add the above detail to the list
# Log the meta list
log('Collected Project Meta ::')
for meta in project_meta:
log(' > Name: {}, Build: {}, Location: {}'.format(meta[KEY_PROJECT_NAME], meta[KEY_JENKINS_JOB_NUMBER], meta[KEY_REPORT_LOCATION]) )
# Return the meta list
return project_meta
# getProjectNames() method
def getProjectNames():
:return: a list of all the Project names based on the directories
# It will only collect project Name (from the getProjectMeta() method)
project_names = [];
# Loop through the test details dictionary
for test_data in getProjectMeta():
if not test_data[KEY_PROJECT_NAME] in project_names:
return project_names
# scrapTheFile(test_detail) method
def scrapTheFile(test_detail):
Extracts relevant data from each index.html file
Initializes the database and stores the results into it.
:param test_detail:
# Create Ordered dictionary for final formatted data
row_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
summary_result_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
# List for scenarios outcome [pass, fail, pending, ignored, skipped, compromised]
listForScenarios = []
# Set the absolute index page location, which will be crawled
html_page = urlopen("file:///" + test_detail[KEY_REPORT_LOCATION])
# Initializes the BeautifulSoup for this report html Page
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, "html.parser")
#1: Extract the Date and time
# find the date and time (report creation DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)
test_date = re.search(r'\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}\s\d{2}:\d{2}', soup.find("span", "date-and-time").text).group()
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(test_date, "%d-%m-%Y %M:%S")
# Final datetime
date = date.strftime("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")
# 2: Extracting the build number based on the COLON ':' in project name.
# Example:: [ProjectName_X: 11.01.1 BUILD-100, the build would be ' 11.01.1 BUILD-100' ]
report_title = str(soup.find("span", 'projectname').text)
build_number = str(soup.find("span", 'projectname').text).partition(":")[2].strip()
# 3: Extract the test summary detail
log(":::::::::: PROCESSING Scenario outcomes...")
summary_table = soup.find("table", {"class": "table"})
t_body = summary_table.find('tbody')
rows = t_body.find_all('tr')
row_c = col_c = 0
for row in rows:
cols=[td.text.strip() for td in cols]
# Process the collected data
# Create an unique name for the entry [testName + underscore + testDate]
# replacing all the spaces with underscores
unique_col = (report_title + "_" + test_date).replace(' ', '_').strip()
row_dict = extractAndRenderTheData(listForScenarios ,row_dict)
# Set the extracted fields into final data
row_dict[KEY_PROJECT_NAME] = test_detail[KEY_PROJECT_NAME]
row_dict[KEY_UNIQUE_COL_NAME] = unique_col
row_dict[KEY_TEST_DATE] = date
# Final Output
# Final formatted data for each Automation reports
summary_result_dict[test_detail[KEY_PROJECT_NAME]] = row_dict
# TODO: Store the following data
print('Final Data::')
except Exception as e:
log(" There was an error while extracting the report for Location: {}".format(loc))
# NNGExperimental
def randomword(length):
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length))
# extractAndRenderTheData(columnList)
def extractAndRenderTheData(datalists, data):
A method which extract the data from the list and form a dictionary.
:param columnList
:return data
record = data
# Check the list element count for the first row
totalColumns = 0
log("Detecting the columns ....")
for list in datalists:
if len(list) == 3:
totalColumns = 1
totalColumns = 3
# If One column then Assume 0 for other columns.
if totalColumns == 1:
log(' 1 Column found: Only Automated Tests are present')
for list in datalists:
#SAMPLE:: ['Passing', '1', '100%']
if len(list) >= 3:
if str(list[0]) == 'Passing':
record[KEY_AUTO_PASS_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_PASS_COL] = '0'
record[KEY_TOTAL_PASS_COL] = list[1]
elif str(list[0]) == 'Failed':
record[KEY_AUTO_FAIL_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_FAIL_COL] = '0'
record[KEY_TOTAL_FAIL_COL]= list[1]
# Assuming Manual Column as ZERO
record[KEY_AUTO_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = '0'
record[KEY_TOTAL_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[1]
# End of For
# If Three columns and blank value then put 0 there.
elif totalColumns == 3:
# Split the list then process.
log(' 3 Column found: Both Automated/Manual Tests are present')
for list in datalists:
#SAMPLE:: ['Passing', '18', '26%', '0', '', '18', '26%']
if len(list) >= 7:
if str(list[0]) == 'Passing':
record[KEY_AUTO_PASS_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_PASS_COL] = list[3]
record[KEY_TOTAL_PASS_COL] = list[5]
elif str(list[0]) == 'Failed':
record[KEY_AUTO_FAIL_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_FAIL_COL] = list[3]
record[KEY_TOTAL_FAIL_COL] = list[5]
record[KEY_AUTO_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[3]
record[KEY_TOTAL_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[5]
# Return the record
return record
# Application Initiation #
if __name__ == "__main__":
msg = "\n#########################################\n# INITIATING SERENITY REPORT CRAWLER #\n#########################################\n"
# CLI argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-rd", "--root_dir", required=True, help="Root Directory for all the files.")
parser.add_argument("-j", "--job", help="Job Count Limit")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check for the provided CLI parameters
if not os.path.isdir(args.root_dir):
print("Path \'{}\' does not exist. Please provide"
"a correct path for the root directory.".format(args.root_dir))
root_dir = args.root_dir
# Get the test details from the available reports
test_info = getProjectMeta()
print("Total available builds: {}\n ".format( len(test_info) ))
# For each project, get the data
for index in test_info:
# Debug: End of the Crawling Program
In this article, we will see and build a crawler for the serenity reports.
#POINTs to be discussed
- Beautifulsoup module for the serenity's index.html
- Integration/Execution of crawler
- Crawled data insertion into MongoDB
And we will see the summary extraction for only serenity-v2 HTML.
In the crawler, I have divided all crawler into 4 sections/parts:
- Index file collection
- Project Meta extraction
- Report Summary extraction/Scrapping
- Formatting the scenario outcomes
So, let's discuss each section of the crawler, what exactly they are accomplishing.
here is the crawler Code:
# Import section #
# Import section
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re, os, sys, collections, datetime, argparse
import csv, random, string
# Global Variables/Envs
#This limit prevents infinite recursion
#from causing an overflow of the C stack and crashing Python.
# total tests
total_tests = []
# root directory to lookup for Crawling (as command line argument)
root_dir = ""
# Set the debug mode
debugger = True
# Identifier Keys
KEY_AUTO_PASS_COL = 'Automated_Pass'
KEY_AUTO_FAIL_COL = 'Automated_Fail'
KEY_AUTO_DYN_COL = 'Automated_'
KEY_MAN_PASS_COL = 'Manual_Pass'
KEY_MAN_FAIL_COL = 'Manual_Fail'
KEY_MAN_DYN_COL = 'Manual_'
KEY_FILE_NAME_TO_CRAWL = 'index.html'
KEY_PROJECT_NAME = 'Project_Name'
KEY_TEST_DATE = 'Test_Date'
KEY_UNIQUE_COL_NAME = 'Unique_Col_Name'
# internal debugger
def log(msg):
if debugger:
print("[DEBUG] :: {}".format(msg))
# collectFiles() menthod
def collectIndexFiles():
Loops across the root directory to fetch the index.html locations
:return: A list containing location of all the files
# Debug
log("Searching for index files ... ")
# Index files list
index_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir, topdown=True):
for file_name in files:
# For the Serenity report index file
# If the index file has been find but not under any library like datatables, jqueryui, etc, then collect it.
if KEY_FILE_NAME_TO_CRAWL in file_name and 'datatables' not in root and 'jqueryui' not in root and 'JMeter' not in root:
index_files.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
# Debug
log(" Collected list of index files ... ")
return index_files
# getProjectMeta() method
def getProjectMeta():
Uses the index.html file location to fetch details like project name and job number
:param delete_mode: for the deletion of the reports (only last 20 report to be kept)
:return: a list of dicts containing info about each index file.
# Project meta list
project_meta = []
all_files = collectIndexFiles()
log("Iterating through index files ...")
for file in all_files:
log(" Crawling started for : {} ".format( str(file) ))
file = file.replace("\\", '/')
# Create a dictionary for the project meta(Name, jenkins build, report location)
test_data_dict = {}
# Split the projectName, BuildName, Location of the report
test_data_dict[KEY_PROJECT_NAME] = str(file).split('/')[-3]
test_data_dict[KEY_JENKINS_JOB_NUMBER] = str(file).split('/')[-2]
test_data_dict[KEY_REPORT_LOCATION] = file
# Add the above detail to the list
# Log the meta list
log('Collected Project Meta ::')
for meta in project_meta:
log(' > Name: {}, Build: {}, Location: {}'.format(meta[KEY_PROJECT_NAME], meta[KEY_JENKINS_JOB_NUMBER], meta[KEY_REPORT_LOCATION]) )
# Return the meta list
return project_meta
# getProjectNames() method
def getProjectNames():
:return: a list of all the Project names based on the directories
# It will only collect project Name (from the getProjectMeta() method)
project_names = [];
# Loop through the test details dictionary
for test_data in getProjectMeta():
if not test_data[KEY_PROJECT_NAME] in project_names:
return project_names
# scrapTheFile(test_detail) method
def scrapTheFile(test_detail):
Extracts relevant data from each index.html file
Initializes the database and stores the results into it.
:param test_detail:
# Create Ordered dictionary for final formatted data
row_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
summary_result_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
# List for scenarios outcome [pass, fail, pending, ignored, skipped, compromised]
listForScenarios = []
# Set the absolute index page location, which will be crawled
html_page = urlopen("file:///" + test_detail[KEY_REPORT_LOCATION])
# Initializes the BeautifulSoup for this report html Page
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, "html.parser")
#1: Extract the Date and time
# find the date and time (report creation DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM)
test_date = re.search(r'\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}\s\d{2}:\d{2}', soup.find("span", "date-and-time").text).group()
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(test_date, "%d-%m-%Y %M:%S")
# Final datetime
date = date.strftime("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")
# 2: Extracting the build number based on the COLON ':' in project name.
# Example:: [ProjectName_X: 11.01.1 BUILD-100, the build would be ' 11.01.1 BUILD-100' ]
report_title = str(soup.find("span", 'projectname').text)
build_number = str(soup.find("span", 'projectname').text).partition(":")[2].strip()
# 3: Extract the test summary detail
log(":::::::::: PROCESSING Scenario outcomes...")
summary_table = soup.find("table", {"class": "table"})
t_body = summary_table.find('tbody')
rows = t_body.find_all('tr')
row_c = col_c = 0
for row in rows:
cols=[td.text.strip() for td in cols]
# Process the collected data
# Create an unique name for the entry [testName + underscore + testDate]
# replacing all the spaces with underscores
unique_col = (report_title + "_" + test_date).replace(' ', '_').strip()
row_dict = extractAndRenderTheData(listForScenarios ,row_dict)
# Set the extracted fields into final data
row_dict[KEY_PROJECT_NAME] = test_detail[KEY_PROJECT_NAME]
row_dict[KEY_UNIQUE_COL_NAME] = unique_col
row_dict[KEY_TEST_DATE] = date
# Final Output
# Final formatted data for each Automation reports
summary_result_dict[test_detail[KEY_PROJECT_NAME]] = row_dict
# TODO: Store the following data
print('Final Data::')
except Exception as e:
log(" There was an error while extracting the report for Location: {}".format(loc))
# NNGExperimental
def randomword(length):
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length))
# extractAndRenderTheData(columnList)
def extractAndRenderTheData(datalists, data):
A method which extract the data from the list and form a dictionary.
:param columnList
:return data
record = data
# Check the list element count for the first row
totalColumns = 0
log("Detecting the columns ....")
for list in datalists:
if len(list) == 3:
totalColumns = 1
totalColumns = 3
# If One column then Assume 0 for other columns.
if totalColumns == 1:
log(' 1 Column found: Only Automated Tests are present')
for list in datalists:
#SAMPLE:: ['Passing', '1', '100%']
if len(list) >= 3:
if str(list[0]) == 'Passing':
record[KEY_AUTO_PASS_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_PASS_COL] = '0'
record[KEY_TOTAL_PASS_COL] = list[1]
elif str(list[0]) == 'Failed':
record[KEY_AUTO_FAIL_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_FAIL_COL] = '0'
record[KEY_TOTAL_FAIL_COL]= list[1]
# Assuming Manual Column as ZERO
record[KEY_AUTO_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = '0'
record[KEY_TOTAL_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[1]
# End of For
# If Three columns and blank value then put 0 there.
elif totalColumns == 3:
# Split the list then process.
log(' 3 Column found: Both Automated/Manual Tests are present')
for list in datalists:
#SAMPLE:: ['Passing', '18', '26%', '0', '', '18', '26%']
if len(list) >= 7:
if str(list[0]) == 'Passing':
record[KEY_AUTO_PASS_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_PASS_COL] = list[3]
record[KEY_TOTAL_PASS_COL] = list[5]
elif str(list[0]) == 'Failed':
record[KEY_AUTO_FAIL_COL] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_FAIL_COL] = list[3]
record[KEY_TOTAL_FAIL_COL] = list[5]
record[KEY_AUTO_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[1]
record[KEY_MAN_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[3]
record[KEY_TOTAL_DYN_COL+str(list[0])] = list[5]
# Return the record
return record
# Application Initiation #
if __name__ == "__main__":
msg = "\n#########################################\n# INITIATING SERENITY REPORT CRAWLER #\n#########################################\n"
# CLI argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-rd", "--root_dir", required=True, help="Root Directory for all the files.")
parser.add_argument("-j", "--job", help="Job Count Limit")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check for the provided CLI parameters
if not os.path.isdir(args.root_dir):
print("Path \'{}\' does not exist. Please provide"
"a correct path for the root directory.".format(args.root_dir))
root_dir = args.root_dir
# Get the test details from the available reports
test_info = getProjectMeta()
print("Total available builds: {}\n ".format( len(test_info) ))
# For each project, get the data
for index in test_info:
# Debug: End of the Crawling Program
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