
Showing posts from 2015

JSP Database Connectivity with MySQL

Hi Folks, Steps for Creating Connection with MySQL and JSP 1-  Download MySQL Driver Jar file and paste it to:                                    > c:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0\lib\ext\ 'driver'.jar                                   > Tomcat_Server_Location\lib\ 'driver'.jar 2- Write your code to connect 3- Output and thats all. you are set to go. Note: Here in step 2 image, i wrote code for displaying data on the console but you can write you own code to display data on the webpage.

Django [Getting started with Django]

1- Django (What is it ???) Django  is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. A web framework is a set of components that helps you to develop websites faster and easier. Django Official websites 2- Requirement Tools and Installation of Django Since django is a python framework, so you suppose to have python installed in your machine.  if  you dont have python then go pythons official site and download it. To check into your system for python installation use the following command: > python --version Installing Django by command prompt :> pip install django=1.6.5 3- Setting Up Django making a new project under django serer  :> startproject <your_project_name> Syncing/creating with Database and setting up a user and password for admin login control   :> syncdb Starting up the Django Server :> runserver no...

Make a Back Door in a windows System.

[Make a back door in windows System,  So that next time you want to enter that system, just go in, no authentication required. boom] How  (Follow the simple steps): Step:1 [Make a back door room]   Make a Live CD of linux (like: Ubuntu), and boot into any  windows installed computer, and   just Rename the program name [sethc.exe->cmd.exe] and vice-versa. [under Windows/System32/] [sethc.exe is used for hotkey activation.] [5 times Shift or Ctrl invoke this program]. Step:2 [Take charge of command and authenticate yourself] now simply shutdown the Ubuntu, and boot with press five times shift key to invoke the cmd.exe [bcz you already changed the program name before using Ubuntu in step:1] So here you go.....You have Command Prompt Window Now. Now... 1- use the "net user" command to see the total users. 2- use the "net user username *" to overwrite the username password. 3- use the "net user administrator /active:yes" ...

Html Status Code

Basic Html Status Code Types          1- 1XX [Informational]  2- 2XX [Success]  3- 3XX [Redirect]       4- 4XX [Client Error]        5- 5XX [Server Error] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1xx Informational a- 100 Continue b- 101 Switching Protocols c- 102 Processing 2xx Success This class of status codes indicates the action requested by the client was received, understood, accepted and processed successfully. 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-Authoritative Information (since HTTP/1.1) 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 207 Multi-Status (WebDAV; RFC 4918) 208 Already Reported (WebDAV; RFC 5842) 226 IM Used (RFC 3229) 3xx Redirection This class of status code indicates the client must take additional action to complete the request. Many of these status codes are use...

Shortcut Keys for Windows [8/8.1/10]

Here are some shortcut keys for your windows computer for doing things more faster and smarter. 1- Window key + PauseBreak  ---------> System Information 2- Ctrl+Shift+N ---------------------------> Creates new Folder 3- Alt+Left Shift+PrintScreen-----------> open Sticky Keys dialog 4- F11 ---------------------------------------> Full Screen [for HTML pages or windows Explorer]

Access Command Prompt, outside of login in Windows[7/8/8.1/10].

The basic concept is to modify the file which is easily accessible before the login, like "sethc.exe".  This is a program, handles user  accessibility options, if we replace it with cmd then cmd can be easily accessible outside without login. And once we got CMD then we can do anything like password flush of any user, crete new user, and much more operations.... Here are the steps: 1- this is the file , which you have to modify. 2- do the following 3- Almost done ready to go.... [This information is for educational/knowledge purpose like if you forgot your windows account password then you can use it, do it with your own risk. ]

Starting with MySql [A Brief Tutorial]

1:Download>                        Download From here : MySQL Download Link . 2:Install>            Install your downloaded MySQL Server.     1-For Linux User in Ubuntu ,$  sudo apt-get install mysql-server     2-For Windows just double click on you downloaded msi package, and follow the steps. 3:Accessing MySQL Shell>           Go to bin directory of installed MySQL server directory. and then follow the commands                              mysql -u root -p After entering the root MySQL password into the prompt (not to be confused with t...


Link: Download all media codecs:

Getting Error [javax.servlet.*; package does not exist.] [Solved]

There is two way to fix it.   1-With command line   // Assume that Tomcat is installed in  D:\apache-tomcat-8.0.xx   > D : // switch to D dive   > cd apache-tomcat-8.0.xx \webapps\hello\WEB-INF\classes //change directory   > javac -cp .; D:\apache-tomcat-8.0.xx \lib\servlet-api.jar // Compile     2- Make Environment Variable for > CLASSPATH=D:\apache-tomcat-8.0.xx\lib\servlet-api.jar And > Copy the D:\apache-tomcat-8.0.xx \lib\servlet-api.jar To C :\Program Files \Java\Jre 1.x.x\lib\ext\

Installing Tomcat and Configuring as Server in NetBeans

1- Download Apache from here: 2- Follow the step: After downloading the zip-file, I extracted it to c:\java (the location is of your own choosing though). Next I turn to NetBeans to configure Tomcat 7 as a new server. Open the Tools menu and select the option Servers: The list of currently configured servers appears. Underneath is the big Add Server button. Press that button. Select the type of Server to add and provide a name for it – just for reference within NetBeans. Press Next. Provide the location where this server instance is installed – the target directory for the extraction of Tomcat 7. Also provide credentials for a Tomcat Administrator account ( in my case I used admin/admin). Press Finish. The newly configured Server is presented: Press Close. Now the Tomcat 7 Server can be started (and stopped, deployed to etc.) from within NetBeans. Open the Services Window (from the Window m...

Windows WaterMark Remover

It is used to remove a watermark of any operating system like Windows (Not activated). Method:1 change the value from 0 to 1. and now restart your computer. Method:2                Download this tool  WCP Watermark Editor.exe

Flex Syntex

The flex syntex is as follows :

Flex for Windows Machine

There is Two way to use it into your windows system.          i) Manually install flex and use it from cmd.          ii) Install IDE for flex/bison/Yacc WAY-1>      1-Go to given URL and download the zip file.                   2-Extract it and run Bison.exe and then Flex.exe    3-Ensure that they are in same directory normally called "GnuWin32"    4-make path for flex %default installed dir%\GnuWin32\bin\    5-Now it is ready to use. to check type "flex --version". WAY-2>    1-    Go to the provided url:     FLEX IDE LINK     2-  Download the exe approx. 30-32 MB     3- Install the exe setup. after installing start it, it will look like this      4-Now you are ready to ...